
What Members Say…

"I joined Cardio Sport because it seemed like a fun and social way to exercise outdoors. My favorite part is the friendly and supportive atmosphere, great group of ladies (and men), and that Jeannine keeps it fun and interesting. I had been intimidated to join, because I had slacked on working out for a year, but all of the exercises are individualized for what you are able to do. I also really had to push myself to wake up at 5 to get to the 6am classes, but always felt so great to have gotten my workout done so early, and felt ready to tackle my day! I had to stop two months ago and I have really missed it. Am excited to join again soon!” - Pia M.

“I joined Cardio Sport because I wanted to specifically have a cardio workout and I loved that it is being offered outdoors. My favorite part of Cardio Sport is the loud music. Cardio Sport is challenging because it pushes you physically, but the moves are not too difficult once you get the hang of it.” -Katie D.

“I love Cardio Sport! It kicks my butt for 45 minutes and its done. It improves my sleep and my overall mood throughout the day. It is an uplifting positive and challenging workout that improves my strength and overall cardiovascular health. Jeanine is fun and motivating. I Cant say enough good things about Cardio Sport!!” - Brigid K.

“I joined Cardio Sport because I followed my friend Elsa one morning. It meets the same time as my run, so it’s over before our morning routines get going.

Now, I love it! It’s a great total body workout, with really awesome people, early in the morning, and the music (and Jeannine’s energy) keeps us moving!

I tell anyone who will listen that it’s fun, it’s motivating, and now I have arm muscles I never had before!” - Ellen M.

“I joined because I was ready to step up my exercise level (and Jeannine is awesome). I love the music and energy. This is the most motivating workout I’ve ever done!” - Melisa H.

“I joined Cardio Sport because I needed motivation to get back into working out after having my third child. What I got was so much more than motivation, I got to be part of an amazing group of people who I look forward to seeing 3 days a week. My favorite part is how Jeannine is high energy and makes you want to challenge yourself. This is unlike any other workout you will ever do and it will make you feel and look better!” -Jamie O.

“I joined Cardio Sport after seeing posts about it online. As a runner I knew I needed to vary my workouts and I was looking for something new. Joining the gym was not for me. I needed outside accountability, and wanted help with various exercises. Cardio Sport is awesome! It's fun, engaging, and I love being a part of this supportive group. The moves are challenging and varied, and we all adapt to our own skill level. There is no judgment here, and it feels great to do something good for myself before the kids even get out of bed!”
- Nancy S.

It's not WHAT you do, but HOW you do it!